Hundreds of Monologues for Girls and Teens
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Comedic and Dramatic
Monologues for Girls

Comedic and Dramatic
Monologues for Teens

#1 Monologue Book for Girls
Sugared & Spiced: 100 Monologues for Girls

Our best selling book of monologues! Loaded with both LOL comedic monologues and intensely dramatic monologues! Sugared and Spiced can be seriously inspirational, quirky or silly. You name it, it‘s in here. Each monologue is unique, original and fun, offering you something to sink your teeth into. These contemporary monologues for girls are ONLY available in Sugared and Spiced Monologues, 100 Monologues for Girls. Includes Bonus Drama Terms!

Best Selling MONOLOGUES for Teens
Echo Booming Monologues: 100 Monologues for Teens

Packed with creative and original monologues written exclusively for your generation. We wrote Echo Booming Monologues just for you! Discover both comedic and dramatic monologues written with a contemporary perspective. Find the perfect monologue for you in
Echo Booming Monologues: 100 Monologues for Teens! Make "Em laugh or make "em cry. You decide! Echo Booming Monologues includes Bonus Drama Terms.


Vocabulary Building Monologues

Vocabulary Building Monologues for Teens and Young Adults

Question: "Can I build my vocabulary and acting skills at the same time?"

Answer: "Yes, you can!"
Smart Monologues , is a new valuable tool for classroom or independent vocabulary practice, incorporating a highly immersive learning technique. You don't only study the words, you live them!

Question: How can these monologues be used as a vocabulary building tool?

- Act them out in a group setting, such as a Language Arts class or Drama class, where a team of players can help one another learn while having fun!
- Memorize them and perform them at home for your family and friends.
- Read them to yourself aloud.
- Act them out in front of a mirror when no one's around.
- Recite them while you're taking a shower.

Smart Monologues makes words memorable and meaningful.